Film Studies

'7 Deadly Sins, Gluttony'

The page is dedicated to a project i did for college only up to an animatic, all of pre production.
Mind Map
This is my mind map for '7 Deadly Sins, Gluttony'
Environment Development
This image is of my development of what hell would look like in this animation.
This is what the cake shop could possibly look like.
These are a variety of design for cupcakes.
This is my first set of character ideas.
and this is my second page of character ideas.
This is my final T-Pose for my character.
These are my story boards. The story is about a character called Bill who over indulges in cakes. One day when he goes into his favourite cake shop to buy a cake he suddenly appears in hell with cake in hand. he decides ti eat the cake anyway but then another cake appears appears floating and Bill gobbles it up and a few more cakes appear of which he also gobbles up. Bill then starts to have what appears to be a mutation of some sort and all of a sudden a Gluttonous version of Bill bursts out of him, causing no physical harm to Bill of course, and lands on the ground next to him. Bill then runs of away in horror but as he is running he himself is gradually getting fatter an fatter till he is so fat that his legs can't support his weight. Bill then slides to a stop near an edge of a cliff. The screen then tilts and Gluttonous Bill comes sliding down crashing into Bill. and morphing back into him but making Bill so fat that he slips of the cliff into a black abyss. Bill then suddenly snaps awake back at the cake shop just before he has eaten his cake. He then has a realisation that he needs to stop and he throws the cake away and walks out the door.

This is my final animatic for this project. Enjoy!

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